Can you imagine? Twenty or thirty years ago, if one person sent letter to another person who lives in different countries, those people had to wait for 1 or 2 months for receiving some information. Currently if that situation happens I would feel frustrated. Now, we can talk online with any person who live in any country. This is a wonderful achievement “THE INTERNET”. It was created in 1966 by a team composed by 19 people and their lead was ROBERT TAYLOR. We recommend reading this article http://www.microsiervos.com/archivo/internet/el-verdadero-origen-de-internet.html.
Internet have had a big impact in the world, first of all everybody can communicate with everyone. Lots of people make business in different countries and these communications don’t cost a thing. Apart of that, you can buy everything by internet and sometimes you can have a discount. It’s simply amazing. One of the things that I always find amazing is the Financial Market. You can buy shares from any company all over the world from your office. 3 months ago, I was talking with a friend who lives in New York, he has a company which controls the branch from his office. All these stuff can be made because of INTERNET.
I couldn’t be able to live without INTERNET, it’s an important tool. All systems work with it. I think if the INTERNET disappears we probably would come back to 50’s and that would be frustrating.
Thank you very much ROBERT TAYLOR.